Paul Garnett
Click on any of the images for painting dimensions and pricing

The Bottom of the World, Mirny and Vostok, 1820

Bermuda Privateer Before the Storm

Admiral Nelson's Command

CHARLES W. MORGAN Off Cape Horn, December 11, 1841

US Frigate ESSEX and Whaler, War of 1812, South America

Goodbye To You, Too, Old RIGHTS OF MAN (from "Billy Budd")

North Atlantic Gale, USS Constitution 1812

On Patrol in the Mediterranean

The Firing of the Philadelphia in Tripoli, February 16, 1804

Voyage of Discovery, HMS BEAGLE, 1832

Winter in the Yard, USS CONSTITUTION, Boston, 1844

Frigate USS CONSTITUTION & Revenue Cutter

Following Seas, HMAC Bounty

Appointment with Destiny; HMS VICTORY, October 1805

McKay's Ship Yard- Launching FLYING CLOUD, 1851

All Aboard; MAYFLOWER, Plymouth, England, 1620
A native of Massachusetts, marine artist Paul Garnett was entirely self-taught. For seven years he served as the shipwright on Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's tall ship replica of the famous "Bounty" that was built for M.G.M.'s 1962 production of 'Mutiny on the Bounty' starring Marlon Brando. His artwork has been featured in Nautical World Magazine, Marine Art Quarterly and Sea History Magazine, ‘Quarterdeck,’ ‘Soundings,’ ‘The Nautical Research Journal,’ and ‘North Carolina Historical Review’ as well as the National Maritime Historical Society’s Christmas cards. He has also had his paintings appear on A & E's Sea Tales as well as The History Channel's program History's Mysteries and one was licensed to be used in the background of the movie Ad Astra in 2019. The Clinton County Historical Society in New York licensed "Battle of Valcour Island" as a poster for their recovery project on the lake where the battle took place. This painting has also been used in Facts on File's Revolutionary War Almanac. ‘Art of the Sea’ has featured the artist’s paintings five times over a number of years and the number 8 2006 edition of Denmark’s Historie Magazine included the artist’s ‘Men Against the Sea’ as well as a painting of Joshua Slocum’s Spray in issue #1 in 2014.
Mr. Garnett's paintings have also been featured as the covers of the trilogy by naval historian William H. White about the War of 1812 – "A Press of Canvas," "A Fine Tops'l Breeze" and "The Evening Gun" as well as Mr. White’s other works of fiction and non-fiction. Nicholas Nicastro’s work “Between Two Fire”’ a novel of John Paul Jones used Paul’s art for the cover. He has currently completed artwork for the first two books of William Westbrook’s Sea fiction trilogy – ‘The Bermuda Privateer’ and ‘The Black Ring, Wayne Grieg’s book Three Strands of an Unraveling Rope, and McBooks’ Press will be releasing several books featuring his covers in 2022. He has also done CD cover art for the Telarc's Masters & Commanders recorded by the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra conducted by the late great Erich Kunzel and for “Secret Signs” recorded by the Bow Triplets, an Irish/Celtic folk music group based in Europe.
Paul’s paintings have appeared in such shows as "Modern Marine Masters" at Mystic Seaport, "Water Ways" at Art of the Sea, "Charlestown – Then and Now" at the Charlestown Naval Museum, "Masters and Commanders" at the Union League Club in New York City, "Art of the Boston Waterfront" at the John Stobart Gallery in Boston, at the Maritime Gallery at Mystic Seaport and the Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, New York as well as at the Copley Society of Art’s National Show: Connected Land and Sea in 2021. His painting – Bottom of the World toured with the American Society of Marine Artists’ 18th National Exhibition from March of 2020 through February of 2022.
In July 2005, Garnett was involved in the National Juried Exhibition at the 12th Annual Maritime Art Exhibition at the Coos Art Museum in Oregon. Mr. Garnett's work was also featured and auctioned at the Don Cesar Hotel on St. Petersburg Beach in the summer of 2002 when he was OP Sail's featured event artist at the gathering of Tall Ships. Both the Constitution Museum in Charlestown and the Marine Museum in Fall River Massachusetts have permanent exhibits of his work, as do the Minnesota Maritime Museum in Winona, the North Carolina Marine Museum in Beaufort and, more recently, the National Coast Guard Museum. Paul was a longtime member of the National Maritime Historical Society, the International Society of Marine Painters, the Nautical Research Guild, and, in 2018 was elected as a Signature Member of the American Society of Marine Artists.