David Thimgan
(1955 - 2003)
Click on any of the images for painting dimensions and pricing
SAN BUENAVENTURA Outside Golden Gate, California
ELECTRA Entering Mendocino, California
ALICE KIMBALL Off Northern California
CEDRIC THE SAXON Towing to Wharf in San Francisco, Clipper GREAT ADMIRAL at Wharf
LITTLE MYSTERY Moored at Fowey
Clippership WOOLAHRA Towing into Humboldt Bay, California by Steam Tug RANGER, May 27, 1898
Balclutha, Long Days Journey
Dashing Wave
Awaiting the Pilot
Little River
Schooner Sacramento Entering the Suislaw River
An oil painter of historical marine subjects, Thimgan specialized in recreating scenes from America's seafaring past, with emphasis on the West Coast and the Pacific Ocean. He was also interested in trade on the western rivers and the naval aspects of the American Civil War as well as the "Old Steam Navy." He painting professionally since 1978 and was an Artist Member of the American Society of Marine Artists since 1981. His reputation as one of America's leading historical marine artists grew rapidly. His work appears in important private collections around the world, and major corporate collections including Goodyear and Security Pacific National Bank. Some of Thimgan's major exhibits included the Mystic lnternational, the Mystic Invitational and the American Society of Marine Artists National Exhibition.