The Lobster Trap
14" x 14," mixed media
“The Lobster Trap” painting’s framed dimensions are 19” x 19.”
This painting was in part inspired by a recent story in The Boston Globe called "The Lobster Trap. It detailed the environmental impact of global warming on the Lobster fishery in the Gulf of Maine.
The temperature of Maine ocean waters has been increasing more than any other ocean area on the globe. Lobsters struggle to survive in warming waters, resulting in a steady migration of Lobsters to more northern areas closer to Canadian waters. There is only one Lobsterman left in Connecticut and a rapid diminishing of Lobstermen [and women] in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. This has threatened the Lobster industry in Maine and of more importance a way of life and coastal culture that has endured for well over a hundred years. So this painting can be looked at as the pending and somewhat whimsical dilemma of a Maine Lobsterman or as a symbolic interpretation of a very real environmental and cultural crisis.