Charles W. Morgan Off Cape Horn, December 11, 1841

oil, 20" x 30"


This painting shows the ‘Morgan,’ as she was originally built, rounding Cape Horn in the roaring forties two days before striking her first whale. Many interesting features can be seen in this rendering, including the following -the ‘Morgan’ was originally square-rigged on all three masts and here she is running with shortened topsl’s on the fore and main, with a single headsail. All her boats are in board to keep from being broke free or stove in with the heavy seas. ‘Charles W. Morgan’ carried three boats to port, one starboard boat aft. She had no hurricane house over the stern – these did not come into use until the 1860’s. Also, the original stern window arrangement and decoration can be clearly seen.

 The artist thought this would be an interesting subject with the vessel receiving a real ‘ocean baptism’ since most have only seen the ship in her famous bark configuration and might like to see her as she was when first launched.


Admiral Nelson's Command


US Frigate ESSEX and Whaler, War of 1812, South America