Catboats Drying Sails, Old South Wharf, Nantucket, MA, 1890

oil on canvas, 25” x 45”


Today one of the most visited island retreats in New England, Nantucket's rich nautical history including, notably, ship-building, and worldwide whaling, but for a fleet of catboats rigged out for scallop fishing around the island, fitted with a single, beige cotton sail, which became very heavy when wet. The fishermen would often dry their sails on a calm day while tied up to the commercial wharf.

Loud captures the tranquil moment beautifully -- and gives us a view of the coastal schooner MARION, who would have brought lumber and other goods to the busy island.

Framed Dimensions: 31” x 51”


Schooner EMERALD and New York 30 #16- NAUTILUS Passing Castle Hill Light, Newport, RI